martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

English: Look at / Look for / Look after

Please put in the correct preposition after look

  • Everybody likes looking _____ you.
  • Could you please look _____ my dog while I’m away? I’d really appreciate it.
  • Are you still looking _____ your pen?

INGLES: Look at  Look for  Look after


  • Everybody likes looking at you.
  • Could you please look after my dog while I’m away? I’d really appreciate it.
  • Are you still looking for your pen?

Explanation and extra examples

  • Look at: look in the direction of something or someone Mirar en la dirección de algo o alguien.
    • She sat down and looked at the pond. ​​Ella se sentó y miró al estanque.

  • Look for: Try to find something or someone Intentar encontrar algo o a alguien.
    • They spent all the night looking for their friend. Ellos pasaron toda la noche buscando a su amigo.

  • Look after: Take care of something or someone. Cuidar de algo o alguien.
    • As her dog is ill, she has to stay at home looking after it. Como su perro está enfermo, tiene que quedarse en casa cuidándolo.

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